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10 ways to use AI in Software Testing

Visual Testing

Visual testing tackles this challenge by verifying the visual aspects of an application's user interface (UI) or graphical components.

Intelligent Test Case Generation

The AI-powered model-based testing approach automatically generates the test cases and scripts from a model

Self-Healing Test Automation Scripts

AI can automatically self-heal the tests and re-execute them within the same cycle, eliminating manual intervention

Test Data Generation

AI algorithms can analyze existing data sources and can generate entirely new datasets that mimic real-world data.

Enhanced Defect Prediction and Reporting

AI algorithms can analyze past defect data, including defect types and frequency to identify trends and patterns.

Increase your test coverage

AI can help to prioritize test cases that are the right tests for automation. With this, teams can unlock a myriad of benefits, from increased efficiency and speed to enhanced test coverage

Automating mobile app testing

Leveraging AI in mobile testing can help to test the UI, functionality, performance, user-friendliness, and security of an app.

Automate security tests

AI-powered Security Testing can identify threats and detect vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS)

Test Optimization and Maintenance

AI can help in analyzing the code changes, data, and historical test results to understand the potential impact of modifications keeping the original codes maintained

Testing APIs

API Testing involves verification of functionality, performance, and robustness of APIs along with how it handles the load tests.